Technology and Equipment
Surface treatment
Various surface treatments such as chemical coloring, anodizing, TF treatment (special passivation treatment), and electrolysis polishing are available for various metals including stainless steel, titanium, aluminum and magnesium.
We can provide services for both single-process surface treatment projects and integrated production projects from stamping and machining to surface treatment.If you need a metal surface treatment that cannot be done with existing technology, we can develop new technology to meet your needs.
Surface treatment technology

Stainless steel
We are the only company in the world with the ability to continous coil coloring line.
We can accommodate a variety of requests from multiple kinds of parts in small lots to mass production.
Chemical coloring (self-coloring)
A transparent oxide coating with a thickness of about 10-300 nm is developed on the surface of stainless steel by chemical oxidation, which changes the surface to vivid color.
Beneficial impact | Improvement of appearance by coloring and corrosion resistance |
TF treatment (special passivation treatment)
Our unique technology allows us to form a special chrome-rich oxide coating on the surface of stainless steel.It significantly improves corrosion and saltwater resistance.With this technology, it is possible to give corrosion resistance equivalent to SUS316 to poorly corrosion-resistant materials such as SUS420, 440C, and 430 and is also effective for SUS304 and 316.
Beneficial impact | Improvement of appearance by coloring and corrosion resistance |
Passivation treatment
This treatment dissolves and removes foreign matter from the surface and forms a stable chromium-rich oxide coating.
Beneficial impact | Improvement of corrosion resistance |
Electrolysis polishing
Micro-peaks on the rough surface of stainless steel are preferentially dissolved to achieve a smooth surface.
Beneficial impact | Improvement of luster, corrosion resistance, appearance and washability |
Internal precision polishing
Contamination resistance and corrosion resistance are improved by buffing and electrolysis polishing.
Beneficial impact | Improvement of contamination and corrosion resistance |
Electrolysis polishing
Copper plating is applied to stainless steel to increase heat reflectivity.
Beneficial impact | Increase in heat reflectivity |
Examples of coil coloration and TF treatment
Continous coil coloring line
Bearings for fishing tackle
Fittings for building materials

We are the world’s largest producer of colored coil materials.
We also have a lot of experience in the construction materials field.Based on our extensive technical knowledge, we are able to meet your requests.Please feel free to contact us for a consultation.
Color anodization
A transparent oxide coating with a thickness of about 10-300 nm is developed on the surface of titanium by anodizing, which changes the surface to vivid color. Gradation coloring is also avaible.
Beneficial impact | Improvement of appearance by coloring |
Examples of the materials used for building
Kyushu National Museum (roofing) Kitano Tenmangu Shrine (roofing)

Leave the Anodizing treatment to us.
We also accept orders for multiple kinds of parts in small lots. Please let us know your specific requirements.
By electrolyzing the surface and developing an anodic oxide coating of several micrometers to several dozens of micrometers, the surface is hardened to prevent scratching and improve corrosion resistance. Staining is available.
Beneficial impact | Improvement of appearance by coloring and corrosion resistance |
Hard coat anodizing
It is ideal for use in sliding parts, etc., as this technology can produce very hard, wear-resistant anodic oxide coating with a thickness of 10 μm to 100 μm.
Beneficial impact | Improvement in wear resistance |
Chemical treatment
This treatment forms a thin, corrosion-resistant coating.It can be processed with or without hexavalent chromium.
Beneficial impact | Improvement of corrosion resistance |
Electrolysis polishing
It is possible to make a targeted shape (needle shape or bullet shape) and size by electrolysis polishing of very thin wires made out of tungsten, etc.
Beneficial impact | Allows the manufacture of probes for inspection of semiconductor substrates by precision polishing |
Chemical coating and anodizing (under research and development)
The metal surface is chemically treated to produce a coating of insoluble compounds. It contributes to the improvement of corrosion resistance.
Beneficial impact | Improvement of corrosion resistance |
Treatment available for any metals
By painting on a metal surface, it improves the decorative and corrosion resistance.It can be applied in both spindle lines and robot booths.
Beneficial impact | Improvement of corrosion resistance and appearance |
Various polishings (mirror polishing/hairline polishing)
The metal surface is scraped and polished in minute amounts with an abrasive agent to achieve the client’s desired condition.
Beneficial impact | Improvement of design |
Impeller blasting (iron powder) and air blasting (ceramic beads) are available.
Beneficial impact | Improvement of design |
Screen printing and pad printing are available.
Beneficial impact | Improvement of design |
Our equipment
Our equipment
TF treatment (special passivation treatment)
Electrolysis polishing
- Automatic TF treatment line (Permissible size: 900×700×150)
- 1 line
Electrolysis polishing
- Small electrolysis polishing line
- 1 unit
- Stainless steel Self-Coloring line (Permissible size: 1,000 x 3,000 x 300)
- 1 line
- Titanium pickling coloration line (Permissible size: 1,000 x 2,400 x 200)
- 1 line
- Stainless steel and titanium coil coloring line (Permissible size: width 680)
- 1 line
- Automated color Anodizing line (for camera chassis size)
- 1 line
- Automated color Anodizing line (for PC chassis size)
- 2 line
Chemical treatment for magnesium
- Automated magnesium chemical treatment line (for PC chassis size)
- 1 unit
- Blasting machine
- 7 unit
Painting and printing
- Cleanroom for painting (two coats and two bakes with automatic spindle)
- 1 unit
- Cleanroom for painting (one coat and one bake with automatic spindle)
- 1 unit
- Cleanroom for painting (robot)
- 1 unit
- Pad printing machine (robot)
- 2 unit
- Screen printing machine
- 2 unit
Painting and printing
- YAG laser marker
- 30 unit
- CO2 laser marker
- 1 unit
- Various polishing machines
Stainless-steel surface treatment
Titanium surface treatment and photocatalyst
Aluminium surface treatment
Other metals